Mr. Rathod's Neighborhood

Lucky Lucky Virtual Show #7 (Breaking Bad: Disneyland)

Episode Summary

Lucky Lucky performs a completely improvised set, virtually! The suggestion for today's show is "Guarantee"

Episode Notes

Lucky Lucky performs a completely improvised set, virtually! The suggestion for today's show is "Guarantee"

Lucky Lucky is a Chicago-based improv team. What you are about to hear is a completely improvised set, performed by Lucky Lucky, using only our voices. This is a form known as The Bat, or Improv in the Dark. 

Lucky Lucky is made of up of Chirag Rathod (@mrrathodsneighborhood), Chip Bagnall, Cassandra Phillips, Emily Martin, Jessica Noble, Christina Salesberry, Joey Ascaridis and Keegan Hill 

Music by: Zachariah Spindler (@zilchmosoutstandingmodernart; He performs under the name Jazz. ( and Thestral Jones (

Background art by: Andreas Glöckner from Pixabay